Klaviyo vs Privy vs OptiMonk Comparison: Which One to Choose for Popups?

Klaviyo vs Privy vs OptiMonk Comparison: Which One to Choose for Popups?

If you’re looking to start doing email marketing for your website, you might be wondering how to grow your list. OptiMonk, Privy, and Klaviyo all offer a popup tool that helps you achieve your goals. But there are some differences between the three software solutions. 

Let’s have a look!

OptiMonk popups

OptiMonk is a smart popup tool that helps ecommerce stores grow their email list, increase their revenue, and maximize their Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV). This is a dedicated popup toolkit that is shown in the advanced features and personalization options they offer.

You can use OptiMonk to personalize your visitors’ entire customer journey—ensuring that you deliver the right message at just the right time.

You can boost your revenue by at least 10% with OptiMonk popups.

It’s clear that customers love OptiMonk. The company has more than 400 5-star reviews in the Shopify App Store. But let’s see why. Here’s a closer look at some features.

More than 300 high-converting templates

You can choose from more than 300 professionally designed and mobile-friendly templates. With the ready-to-go themes, you can easily create campaigns that match your brand.

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A flexible drag & drop editor

Use the drag & drop editor to customize the pre-made templates with ease or design new popups from scratch. From text to images—you can add, edit, or remove any element (i.e. countdown timers, product, coupon elements, etc.) with a single click.

This gives you complete creative control—allowing you to tailor your popup to drive more sign-ups and conversions. 

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Triggering options 

With OptiMonk, you can trigger your message exactly when your visitors make a specific action on your site, e.g. they click on a button or try to leave your page. 

Most visitors hate being blasted with irrelevant popups as soon as they land on a page. Time-triggered popups make sure they only see relevant messages after taking a particular action. 

OptiMonk’s popups allow you to experiment with exit-intent (both on desktop and mobile) and timed-display control. Additionally, you can test different triggers like scroll-based, on-click, and after a JavaScript event.

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Advanced targeting

With OptiMonk, you can target each visitor segment with fully customized messages.

There are several ways you can personalize your popups for your segments. You can target your visitors based on where they’re coming from. For example, you can offer discounts for visitors who come from Instagram.

Or you can display your message based on the pages they are currently browsing. Let’s say if a visitor browses your sweater category page. You can show them a 10% OFF discount for knitwear when they sign up for your email list.

In addition, you can create personalized messages based on the customers’ cart. 

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Many use cases and message types

OptiMonk doesn’t just offer popups. With an OptiMonk account, you can also play with sticky bars, sidemessages, full screens, gamification popups, and surveys. 

You can also get inspired by more than 30 use cases that support your goals. Here are some examples: 

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A/B testing

A/B testing is the process of comparing the performance of two variants against each other to find out which one resonates better with your audience. 

You can easily A/B test your campaigns to check their performance and see the confidence of these results. 

What’s confidence? We calculate the statistical significance to determine certainty whether the campaign will consistently perform.

You can also turn on the “Keep only the winning variant running” feature. It means that we’ll automatically deactivate an underperforming variant and leave the variant with the highest conversion rate. 

If a variant has the highest conversion rate and has a confidence above 90%, we name it the champion variant.

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Advanced analytics system

To create strong campaigns, you need to continually analyze what’s working well and what you can optimize and improve.

Luckily, you can use OptiMonk’s analytics system to evaluate data reports and see how your campaigns perform. You can assess key metrics, like the number of impressions, conversions, and conversion rates.

But you can also see how much money OptiMonk generates for you. As an example, Shopify stores can track how much revenue is attributed to OptiMonk.  

And OptiMonk also integrates with Google Analytics—so you can dive into a more detailed analysis.  

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We’ve covered OptiMonk, now let’s take a look at the popups you can create with Privy. 

Privy popups

Privy is an ecommerce marketing platform that you can use to build your list, reduce cart abandonment, and send targeted email flows & texts.

Privy also has ready-to-use popup templates. But when it comes to design, they don’t particularly stand out. There are no technicolored hues, eye-catching imagery, or engaging text. 

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On the plus side? Privy’s popup editor is easy-to-use. You can add the following basic elements to your popups:

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Moreover, Privy has 3 triggering options:

  • After X seconds
  • After scrolling X percent of the page
  • On exit-intent

Privy also offers some targeting rules—based on current URL, cart rules, or the number of visited pages.

That was Privy. Now let’s take a look at Klaviyo. 

Klaviyo popups

Klaviyo is a data-backed marketing platform. You can use it to send relevant, well-timed emails and SMS that increase lifetime values. You can also use its basic popup feature. 

Klaviyo offers 3 message types:

  • Popup
  • Flyout
  • Embed

A flyout can be found on the side of your website. An embedded message allows you to create a unique popup and embed it on your site with a code. 

Klaviyo has a functional drag & drop editor that makes it simple to create basic campaigns. You can use Klaviyo to add several different elements to your popups: ​

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Using Klaviyo, you can display your popup immediately once the page loads or after a specified time. You can target visitors by using a Klaviyo list, URL, or location.

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Klaviyo vs Privy vs OptiMonk Pricing

Let’s start by exploring OptiMonk’s pricing.

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You have four options to choose from:

  • The Free plan is ideal if you’re beginning with one site and are starting out with a small amount of traffic. You can use the free account if you have under 15,000 pageviews.
  • The Essential plan ($39/month) allows you to run unlimited campaigns and run A/B tests. You can add 2 domains and up to 30,000 pageviews. It’s a perfect plan if you’re a growing small business. 
  • The Growth plan ($99/month) allows you to run unlimited campaigns on 4 domains and with up to 100,000 pageviews. It’s ideal for the needs of medium-large online stores. 
  • The Premium plan ($249/month) is for large online stores looking to drive more conversions and grow revenue. Add up to 10 domains and up to 500,000 pageviews.

Now let’s see Privy’s pricing, which is based on the number of email and SMS subscribers you have. 

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Privy offers 3 pricing tiers:

  • Explore unlimited popups and flyouts and reach up to 100 mailable contacts with the Free plan. This is ideal if you’re just starting and want to be successful in email marketing.
  • Reach up to 250 mailable contacts with the Starter plan ($15). Send unlimited emails—like newsletters and thank-you emails. 
  • Dreaming big? Check out the Growth plan ($45). Reach 3000 email contacts and 500 textable contacts. Send unlimited emails and get 1-1 onboarding for added support. 

Let’s review Klaviyo’s pricing. This is based on the number of email subscribers you have. Here’s an example: 

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Klaviyo offers up to 1,000 contacts, unlimited email sends, and email and chat support for their customized pricing plans. 

What’s the best popup tool?

When it comes to popups for email list building, OptiMonk offers a killer solution with truly personalized messages that don’t annoy your visitors.

Beyond driving list growth to your fullest potential, you can use OptiMonk to personalize each customer’s experience with well-timed messages throughout the whole customer journey. 

Ready to get started with OptiMonk? Create a free account here

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