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OptiMonk Academy

Learn how to grow your business with OptiMonk for free. Go all in with the full courses or watch a few lessons in your coffee break. It’s up to you.

monk university ill - OptiMonk Academy

Available courses

No matter how familiar you’re with website personalization or OptiMonk,
you’ll find a class that fits your level of knowledge.

Website personalization

Learn the basics to kick off your web personalization journey.

14 lessons Start the course

Getting started with OptiMonk

Learn the basics of OptiMonk and launch your first campaign.

7 lessons Start the course

OptiMonk Product Lessons

Learn the ins and outs of all OptiMonk features.

7 lessons Start the course

Customer Value Optimization

Learn how to create an incredible customer journey.

10 lessons Coming soon

Website personalization course

What you’ll learn in this course:

0 Introduction to website personalization 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Introduction to website personalization

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1.1 Types of website personalization 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 1.1. Types of website personalization

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1.2 What data do you need for website personalization  1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 1.2. What data do you need for website personalization?

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1.3 Technical challenges of website personalization 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 1.3. Technical challenges of website personalization

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1.4 The website personalization process how to get started 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 1.4. The website personalization process & how to get started

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2.1 Discovering the best website personalization opportunities 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 2.1. Discovering the best website personalization opportunities

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2.2 Visitor segmentation best practices 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 2.2. Visitor segmentation best practices

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2.3 Choosing the right moment to display your messages 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 2.3. Choosing the right moment to display your messages

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2.4 Top ecommerce personalization use cases 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 2.4. Top ecommerce personalization use cases

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3.1 Choosing the message format 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 3.1. Choosing the message format

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3.2 Finding the right value proposition 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 3.2. Finding the right value proposition

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3.3 Craft a high converting message 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 3.3. Craft a high-converting message

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4.1 How to evaluate the effectiveness of your personalization efforts 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 4.1. How to evaluate the effectiveness of your personalization efforts

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B testing and how to do it correctly  1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 4.2. What is A/B testing and how to do it correctly?

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Getting started with OptiMonk

What you’ll learn in this course:

01 What is OptiMonk 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 1: What is OptiMonk

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02 Installing OptiMonk 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 2: Installing OptiMonk

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03 Introduction to the admin 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 3: Introduction To The Admin

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04 How to choose a template  1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 4: How To Choose A Template

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05 Design your message 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 5: Design Your Message

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06 Triggering 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 6: Triggering Rules

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07 Targeting 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 7: Targeting Rules

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OptiMonk Product Lessons

What you’ll learn in this course:

Product Lessons Segments 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 1: Segments

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Product Lessons Cart rules 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 2: Cart rules

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Product Lessons Current Page URL 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 3: Current page rule

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Product Lessons Dynamic Content 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 4: Dynamic Content

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Product Lessons Embedded Content 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 5: Embedded Content

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Product Lessons Experiences 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 6: Experiences

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Product Lessons Experiments 1280 x 720 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 7: Multi-campaign A/B Test

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Customer Value Optimization

What you’ll learn in this course:

sleeknote alternative 09 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 1: Customer Value Optimization Guide

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sleeknote alternative 09 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 2: How to design your first popup

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sleeknote alternative 09 - OptiMonk Academy

Lesson 3: How to design your first popup

Start the lesson


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