Personalize anything on
any website without touching code

You don’t need to be an IT expert or web guru to take advantage of the powerful coversion
optimization and personalization features built-in to OptiMonk.

Create perfectly
on-brand messages
to deliver a great browsing experience


Design it once. Use it forever.

Create professionally designed messages that fit your brand easily in a drag & drop editor and re-use your style settings for new campaigns to save time.

effbrush icon - OptiMonk Features


Template families for all use cases following your brand identity flawlessly.

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nocode icon - OptiMonk Features

No-code Editor

Create popups from scratch or modify pre-built templates in an eye-blink.

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brushtable icon - OptiMonk Features

Theme Kit

Create your own on-brand template family for all use cases.

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point n click icon - OptiMonk Features

Point & Click Placement

Determine where to place embedded content on your website with hassle-free zero code.

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coding icon - OptiMonk Features

Custom Javascript & CSS

Insert custom CSS or JavaScript code easily to customize your popups.

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inputfields icon - OptiMonk Features

Custom Input Fields

Collect any data you need with campaigns beyond first name and email address.

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recog icon - OptiMonk Features

Live Preview

Check how your campaign would appear and work over your live site.

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style save icon - OptiMonk Features

Saved Styles

Design buttons, text blocks, discount codes and other campaign elements once, reuse them forever.

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Smart Headline Generator

Have our AI-powered Smart Headline Generator come up with catchy headlines.

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Find the right format to deliver your message

Pick the type of message that is right for your goal. Make announcements without interrupting the browsing experience with sticky bars or display irresistible offers with popups that are impossible to miss.

right format ill - OptiMonk Features
varmsg icon - OptiMonk Features

Embedded Content

Display messages as part of your website with embedded content.

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popups icon - OptiMonk Features


The most effective way to grab someone's attention.

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sidemessage icon - OptiMonk Features


Non-intrusive way to deliver a message without affecting the browsing experience.

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stickybar icon - OptiMonk Features

Sticky Bars

Floating bar appearing at the top or the bottom of the browser window ideal to make announcements.

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fullscreen icon - OptiMonk Features


Most attention-grabbing way to deliver a message by covering the entire browser screen.

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surveys icon - OptiMonk Features


Get real, measurable feedback and customer insights with easy-to-build surveys.

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luckyw icon - OptiMonk Features


Boost conversion rates with highly engaging spin to win, pick a gift or scratchcard popups.

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Dynamic Content

Test personalized messages on your entire website - it alters depending on who is looking at it.

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Advanced conversion booster features to double the effectiveness of your campaigns

Keep optimizing your campaigns and improving conversions rates with features that enhance your
customer’s onsite experience.

adv conversion boost anim - OptiMonk Features
teaser icon - OptiMonk Features


Small, unobtrusive way to give a sneak peek into your message before or after your popup appears.

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transeffects icon - OptiMonk Features

Transitions & Effects

Use eye-catching overlay, display or teaser animations to grab the attention of your visitors.

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multiflows icon - OptiMonk Features

Multi-Step Flows

Ask visitors to take action or subscribe
step-by-step to increase conversions.

emojis icon - OptiMonk Features


Spice up your headlines, calls-to-action, and any other text elements with emojis available in text editor.

delay icon - OptiMonk Features

Delay Closing X

Delay the appearance of the closing (X) button for a couple of seconds to make visitors read your message first.

coundown icon - OptiMonk Features


Capitalize on the FOMO effect of limited-time offers by including a countdown timer in your campaigns.


Increase average order value with personalized product recommendations

Grow your ecommerce revenue by personalizing product recommendations, reminding visitors about recently viewed products and allowing them to add to cart right away.

inc avg order val new ill - OptiMonk Features
recently icon - OptiMonk Features

Recently Viewed Products

Recommend recently viewed products
to visitors so they can continue shopping where they left off.

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trophy icon - OptiMonk Features

Most Popular In Category

Narrow down recommendations to most popular products in a specific product category.

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popular icon - OptiMonk Features

Most Popular Products

Track and recommend most popular products based on visits during the last 14 days.

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addtocart icon - OptiMonk Features

Add-To-Cart From Popup

Allow adding recommended products right to the visitor's cart so they can keep browsing.

monitoring icon - OptiMonk Features

Stock Monitoring

Only recommend products that you have currently in stock.

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Every visitor is different.
Why treat them all the same?


Unlock the potential in your segments by delivering the right message

Craft different messages and target each visitor segment with fully customized offers that are more relevant for them based on behavior.

unlock potential ill - OptiMonk Features
users icon 1 - OptiMonk Features


Define and re-use any custom segments or select any from our pre-defined list.

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projector icon - OptiMonk Features

Use Cases

Select from our pre-built use cases that fit your marketing goals the most.

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retarget icon 1 - OptiMonk Features

Audience Recommendations

Audience Recommen- dations

Get inspired from default targeting rules of use cases & take targeting from there.

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reuse rules perg icon - OptiMonk Features

Reuse Targeting Rules

Create your own custom targeting rules and re-use them easily in future campaigns.

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ux klaviyo icon - OptiMonk Features

Klaviyo Lists & Segments

Target campaigns at any of your Klaviyo lists or segments or prevent them from seeing them.

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Monitor the on-site behavior of your visitors and deliver your message
at the right time

Segment visitors based on browsing behavior and catch them in the act and deliver hyper-relevant messages to them with page level targeting.

monitor behav ill - OptiMonk Features
visitedpages icon - OptiMonk Features

Visited Pages

Show campaigns only to visitors who have visited a given page of your website.

numvisitedpages icon - OptiMonk Features

Number of Visited Pages

Segment visitors based on how many pages of your site they have visited.

currpage icon - OptiMonk Features

Current Page

Catch visitors in the moment of browsing a specific page.

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exurl icon - OptiMonk Features

Excluding URLs

Prevent visitors browsing a certain page from seeing your campaign.

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timespenton icon - OptiMonk Features

Time Spent On Pages

Target visitors browsing a certain page for at least an X amount of time.

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timespentsite icon - OptiMonk Features

Time Spent On Site

Deliver messages to visitors who have spent at least an X amount of time on your site.

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Laser-target the right customers based on any ecommerce-related data point

Drive your store’s sales with our powerful ecommerce-specific features, designed with your business in mind.

lasertarget point ill - OptiMonk Features
prodcart icon - OptiMonk Features

Target Based On Product

Targeting your visitors based on their cart contents.

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valuecart icon - OptiMonk Features

Target Based On Cart Value

Segment visitors based on the total value of products placed in their cart.

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targetcategory icon - OptiMonk Features

Target Category Pages

Deliver personalized messages to visitors browsing a certain product category.

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targetcart icon - OptiMonk Features

Target Product Pages

Deliver personalized messages to visitors browsing a specific product page.

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Deliver hyper-relevant messages with advanced targeting rules

Grow engagement and conversions by creating
one-on-one personalized experiences for each
individual customer.

hyper relevant ill - OptiMonk Features
map country icon - OptiMonk Features

Country Targeting

Target visitors based on country, choosing one or more countries at the same time.

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sourcetarget icon - OptiMonk Features

Source Based Targeting

Tailor your messages based on where visitors are coming from like Google Ads, Google Organic, Facebook, or Direct.

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compliance icon - OptiMonk Features

FB Login Recognition

Ask logged-in users to Facebook to sign up to Messenger with a simple email subscription fallback.

returningvisitor icon - OptiMonk Features

Returning Visitor Recognition

Show a tailored welcome back message to returning visitors or exclude them from a campaign.

subscriber icon - OptiMonk Features

Subscriber Recognition

Target list-building popups only at visitors who have not subscribed to any of your campaigns yet.

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cookie icon - OptiMonk Features

Cookie Targeting

Segment visitors based on cookies and create tailored website experiences for each segment.

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customvariable icon - OptiMonk Features

Custom Variable Targeting

Display campaigns based on any custom visitor data such as their name provided during the time of registration.

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Group 856 - OptiMonk Features

Survey-Based Targeting

Detect the visitor's preferences and cater to them with personalized offers.

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Grab your visitor’s attention at just the right moment

Monitor the behavior of every single visitor and trigger your a message exactly when they take a specific action.

Exit-intent popup
After x seconds
Popup on click
After x seconds of inactivity
desktop exit icon - OptiMonk Features

Exit-Intent on Desktop

Grab the attention of abandoning visitors at the exact moment a visitor is about to leave your site.

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timespenton icon - OptiMonk Features

Timed-Display Control

Time your message to display after X seconds of browsing your site or a specific page.

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scrolltriggering icon - OptiMonk Features

Scroll-based Triggering

Display your message after a visitor has scrolled down on your page at least X percent.

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mobiletriggers icon - OptiMonk Features

Mobile Triggers

Activate your campaigns on phones using all triggering options, including exit-intent, scrolling, clicking, etc.

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onclick triggering icon - OptiMonk Features

OnClick Triggering

Trigger your offer when a visitor clicks on a specific part of your page - a button, box, link, or banner.

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inactivity icon - OptiMonk Features

Monitoring Inactivity

Show your message when a user has stopped all activity, including clicking and scrolling.

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jsevent triggering icon - OptiMonk Features

Triggering After a JavaScript Event

Display your message when a visitor has completed any predefined action that is not handled by standard methods.

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No fluff. Only the right message at the right time.

Never worry about popups affecting user experience negatively on your site again with smart frequency settings.

no fluff ill - OptiMonk Features
protector icon - OptiMonk Features

User Experience Protector

Use a smart cap on how many campaigns your visitors see without compromising on conversions.

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frequency icon - OptiMonk Features

Frequency Limits

Put a frequency cap on how many campaigns your visitors can see during a specific time window.

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conncampaigns icon - OptiMonk Features

Connected Campaigns

Display campaigns to visitors who have/have not seen another specific campaign.

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scheduled campaign icon - OptiMonk Features

Campaign Scheduling

Schedule campaigns ahead or show them only during a given time interval.

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priority icon - OptiMonk Features

Campaign Priority Setting

Prioritize campaigns easily
with a High/Normal/Low priority switch.

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1-on-1 experiences with
personalization at scale


Create a hyper-personalized shopping experience for each visitor

Understand your customers before they understand themselves. Maximize conversions with features that make personalization easy even for the non-tech savvy.

Dynamic content min - OptiMonk Features
dynamic collection icon - OptiMonk Features

Dynamic Product & Collection Name

Include product names or category names in headlines to make your message feel more personal.

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dynamic recomm icon - OptiMonk Features

Dynamic Product Recommendations

Deliver product recommendations personalized on an individual level and test different logics.

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dynamic shipping icon - OptiMonk Features

Dynamic Free Shipping Bar

Show visitors how much more they have to spend to unlock free shipping and watch the average order value increase.

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smarttags icon - OptiMonk Features

Smart Tags

Create dynamically changing messages based on first- and zero-party data.

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Effective discount strategies start with the right tools

Capitalize on the FOMO effect of unique discount codes that can be redeemed only once. Have them follow your visitors around while they’re browsing or apply it immediately to their cart.

effective discount ill - OptiMonk Features
autogen discount icon - OptiMonk Features

Automatically Generated Discount Codes

Generate a unique code for every visitor that can be redeemed only once. Sync discount codes with your ecommerce platform.

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discountcode icon - OptiMonk Features

Coupon Auto Redeem

Let visitors continue carefree browsing while their code will applied automatically to their cart.

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builtin discount icon - OptiMonk Features

Built-in Discount Code Creation

Create discount codes on the fly right from OptiMonk and have them synced with your store.

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codereminder icon - OptiMonk Features

Discount Code Reminder

Remind visitors about active discount codes that they haven’t redeemed yet in a non-intrusive way.

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Everything you need to
measure, track & optimize


Optimize your strategy for stronger performance by running experiments

Maximize the return on every visitor of your site, spend less time and make more money with
optimized campaigns.

ab test 1 - OptiMonk Features
ab testing icon - OptiMonk Features

Variant A/B testing

Test copy, images & various opt-in formulas and use what works best for you.

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conversiontracking icon - OptiMonk Features

Conversion Tracking

Track conversions and other key metrics right from the dashboard.

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om labs new icon - OptiMonk Features

OptiMonk Labs

Get access to our newest features still in beta and test them ahead of time.

flashing tab icon - OptiMonk Features

Flashing Browser Tab Notifications

Make distracted visitors return to your site
by displaying a flashing message in the browser's tab.

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Frame 2036 - OptiMonk Features

Multi-Campaign A/B Test

Find the highest-converting message, segment or tactic with a data-driven approach.

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Group 864 - OptiMonk Features


Microtarget your audiences and customize messages to each segment within the same campaign.

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Analyze results & track revenues closely

Track campaign performance with our built-in Campaign analytics reports that allows you to monitor performance on the campaign level, as well, giving you all the information you need to keep making tweaks to improve results.

analyze results ill - OptiMonk Features
campaignanaly icon - OptiMonk Features

Campaign Analytics

Use our advanced analytics system and get a detailed overview on your campaigns’ revenue contribution.

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googleanaly icon - OptiMonk Features

Google Analytics & GTM

Integrate your OptiMonk account with Google Analytics or Tag Manager to gain more insights.

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Discount Code Monitoring

Campaigns stop automatically if discount codes run out. Users receive a warning right away.

revenue measure icon - OptiMonk Features

True Revenue Measurement

Measure OptiMonk-associated revenue, average order value and orders places for each campaign.

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Works seamlessly with your marketing tech stack

Connect OptiMonk to your business through
integrations for all major newsletter, Messenger,
CRM, CMS and ecommerce platforms.

Integrations ill min - OptiMonk Features
newsletter icon - OptiMonk Features

Newsletter & CRM systems

Transfer your leads to your newsletter, Messenger or CRM system and use custom fields to personalize your emails.

See all integrations
reposrtapi icon - OptiMonk Features

Reporting API

Monitor OptiMonk's performance in your
go-to reporting tool by sending data via
our reporting API.

See all integrations
dyn customer tags icon - OptiMonk Features

Dynamic Shopify Customer Tags

Create Customer Tags based on survey elements in OptiMonk campaigns in Shopify.

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gears icon - OptiMonk Features

Store Platforms & CMSs

You can display messages on any site through one of our plugins or inserting a
short JS code.

See all integrations

Going the extra mile to ensure that your campaigns meet all safety requirements

We are ready to meet you where your company safety policies are at.

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shield safe icon - OptiMonk Features

Google, AdBlock & GDPR Safe

Run worry-free opt-in campaigns. Make
sure your subscribers’ data & your site performance are safe and sound.

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blockadress icon - OptiMonk Features

Block IP Addresses

Prevent visitors with a specific IP address
or in a certain range from seeing your campaigns.

adblock detect icon - OptiMonk Features

AdBlock Detection

Detect if a visitor is using an ad blocker and set up targeting rules accordingly.

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Lightning-fast on-site messages optimized
for mobile visitors


Create a seamless experience, no matter
what device the visitor is browsing on

In a mobile-first world, make sure that all your on-site messages look great

lightningfast message ill - OptiMonk Features
mobile displaysettings icon - OptiMonk Features

Mobile-specific Display Settings

Adjust the look of your campaigns by
device type.

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auto mobileoptimized icon - OptiMonk Features

Auto Mobile-optimized

Pick any template or craft one from scratch without worrying about responsivity.

hide elements icon - OptiMonk Features

Hide Elements on Mobile

Hide elements such as images on mobile that would take up too much space.

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mobile templates icon - OptiMonk Features

Mobile-optimized Templates

All pre-built OptiMonk templates are 100% responsive and look great on all devices.

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Site speed for on-site messages

OptiMonk campaigns do not affect your website’s performance and will load fast on any device.

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CDN with Preloading

With a CDN (Content Delivery Network) and preloading, your messages appear instantly and reliably across the globe.

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Asynchronous Loading

Performance of your website and thus page speed is optimized than to loading OptiMonk asynchronously.

mobile speedopt icon - OptiMonk Features

Mobile Speed Optimized

Page load is optimized differently for mobile and desktop to maximize speed.

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AWS Servers 99.9% Uptime

We use Amazon Web Servers to ensure 99.9% uptime for your campaigns, so you never miss a lead.

flicker free - OptiMonk Features

Flicker-Free delivery

Both Overlay messages and Embedded Content load incredibly fast to provide an impeccable browsing experience

Create your free account.

Start growing your segmented lists now

Ready to try all these features in action?