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How Obvi Boosted Their Black Friday Conversion Rates By 25%

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Obvi is a D2C brand from New Jersey, founded by 3 friends: Ronak, Ash, and Ankit. The company sells supplements that help their customers feel young, optimistic, energetic and more in control. In 2019, they set out on a journey to build a brand that normalizes collagen as part of your daily diets without sacrificing taste and convenience.

Website: Founded: 2019 Industry: Supplements
+8.74%Ecommerce conversion rate +24.9%Ecommerce conversion rate during Black Friday 1,066New phone numbers 1,432New email subscribers

Meet the company

The three co-founders established Obvi because the dietary supplements that were supposed to make people look and feel youthful, all seemed so “old, cold and clinical.” 

They found success by making these same types of products feel bright, fun, and youthful. 

In just two years, they surpassed $10M in sales.

Now they have over 200,000 dedicated customers and a community with 46,000 active members on Facebook.

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As we mentioned, the Obvi team achieved amazing results in just a few years, but still, many of their visitors left without buying or subscribing. They wanted to increase conversions and turn their traffic into long-term revenue.

So OptiMonk’s CVO experts took a look into Obvi’s Google Analytics data to determine where their visitors were exiting the conversion funnel. You can learn more about our methodology here.

Here are the user segments that needed the most attention: 

  1. New homepage visitors
  2. Product page abandoners 
  3. Cart abandoners

Additionally, Obvi wanted to promote their Black Friday campaign and get the highest possible conversion rates.

Now, let’s see the campaigns that Obvi used to increase their conversion:


There wasn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for Obvi’s challenges. Since the most problematic user segments were at very different stages of the customer journey, they needed more than one approach.

1. Welcome popup for new homepage visitors

Obvi first launched a welcome popup campaign that offered their new visitors a great deal in exchange for subscribing to their email marketing list. 

Getting visitors’ information will help you to connect with them later via email and guide them towards making a purchase. 

The first page of their campaign offered visitors a 10% discount when they entered their email:

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But that wasn’t all. Many statistics show that SMS marketing is more effective than email marketing. For example, SMS messages have a 98% open rate compared to emails that have a 20% open rate.

So the Obvi team decided to collect phone numbers from new visitors. Thus, the next step of the popup asked for their phone number as well:

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Finally, the third page of the popup displayed an automatically-generated coupon code. An automatically-generated coupon code has random characters and a real deadline (3-days for example). This feature increased Obvi’s overall redemption rate.

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Obvi decided to use a multi-step popup because it helped make their value proposition much clearer. And they don’t overwhelm visitors by asking for multiple contact details at the same time. Instead, they break it into multiple steps and decrease the noise of your popup.

In just one week, this popup had a 4.69% conversion rate

To get the most out of this campaign, Obvi used Klaviyo to send welcome emails and SMS messages to their new subscribers. As soon as someone converted on the popup, the information was sent to Klaviyo.

2. Discount popup for product page abandoners

Obvi showed special offers to visitors who reached the product pages but decided to leave without making a purchase. This convinced them to take the next step.

They tested two different variants for this campaign—one with a countdown timer and one without. 

The hypothesis was that showing a countdown timer would raise visitors’ FOMO (fear of missing out) and result in higher conversion and coupon redemption rates. And it was spot on! The variant with a countdown timer converted 7.97% better than the one without.

You can see below the popups they tested against each other: 

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3. Save cart abandoners with a limited-time discount

Despite customers adding items to their cart, they may still need a final push to place their orders. Especially if they decide to leave their cart behind. 

That’s why Obvi offered cart abandoners a 10% off coupon.

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Now let’s see how they boosted their simple cart abandonment popup! 

First, they used a countdown timer to increase their customers’ sense of urgency.

Then, they used automatically-generated coupon codes because they convert better than fixed coupon codes (e.g. “15OFF”). A fixed coupon code seems generic and gives users the impression that the coupon code will still work a month from now. On the other hand, an automatically-generated coupon code seems more temporary and easier to lose. This helps increase the sense of urgency and reinforces that the time limit is real. 

And finally, Obvi also enabled the auto-redeem feature, which automatically applies the user’s coupon code at checkout (ensuring they don’t forget to redeem the code).

Thanks to the countdown timer and the two coupon code features, this campaign had an impressive 25.17% conversion rate.

4. Black Friday campaign series

Obvi had big goals for their 2021 Black Friday sale, so they ran two different campaigns:

  1. A teaser campaign to build a list of people who were interested in the campaign
  2. An exit popup during Black Friday to get more people to make a purchase 

Here’s how they did it:

4.1. Teaser campaign

The week before Black Friday, Obvi ran a “teaser campaign” to promote their upcoming sale and build their list. They wanted to collect as many phone numbers as possible, so they can turn these subscribers into customers during Black Friday.

They used an exit-intent popup and combined it with a teaser. 

The teaser (small black circle in the bottom left corner of the screen) allowed the Obvi team to show their offer in a less-intrusive way.

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And visitors only saw the full-size version of the popup when they choose to click on the teaser, or when exit intent occurred.

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Obvi also added a timer that counted down to the beginning of the Black Friday sale. It increased the urgency and helped them generate 205 new phone numbers in just a week. 

4.2. Black Friday exit popup

The Black Friday campaign appeared to visitors who were highly interested already and spent a significant amount of time on the Obvi site but didn’t make a purchase. These were the exact settings:

  1. Had an empty cart
  2. Spent at least thirty seconds on the site
  3. Showed exit intent

Obvi’s 25% off discount and the free gift were designed to get abandoning visitors to reconsider their offer.

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The campaign had a 7.23% ecommerce conversion rate during their Black Friday sales event. It means that 7.23% of visitors who saw the popup, decided to make a purchase instead of leaving the site.


Now let’s see some of the headline numbers from the first two months that Obvi used OptiMonk’s popups:

  1. The store’s ecommerce conversion rate grew by 8.74% compared to the previous period.
  2. They collected 1,066 new phone numbers and 1,432 new email subscribers. 
  3. 235 OptiMonk coupon codes were redeemed. 
  4. Visitors who saw the popups during Black Friday converted 6.73% better than the control group who didn’t see those popups.
  5. Obvi saw an overall 24.9% higher conversion rate compared to their Black Friday sale the year before.

Advice from Ronak Shah

Would you like to set up similar campaigns?
Try one of these pre-made templates: