Gamification Popup

Gamify experiences (“pick a present,” “lucky wheels,” etc.) to increase new visitor engagement

Boost visitor engagement with fun-filled gamified popups
When to use it?

Do you have lots of organic traffic coming from low-intent keywords? Increase the engagement of these new visitors with gamified popups!

By incorporating fun-filled popup campaigns like scratch cards and lucky wheels, you can capture the attention of new visitors and keep them engaged on your site. You’ll create a memorable, enjoyable shopping experience.

And with increased engagement comes increased conversion rates and revenue growth.

How to set it up?

1. Step: Choose a gamified campaign

Choose either a Pick a Present or a Lucky Wheel template below and fine-tune it to your style. In this example we will go on with a Pick a Present template, however, the same working method applies to the Lucky Wheel as well.

2. Step: Setup your gamification

Add how many presents you would like to give away and setup your coupons.

Add all of the “gifts” that your visitors will be able to win, add a weighting factor and the relevant coupon codes to them. Learn more about setting Pick a Present campaign up, here.

3. Step: Target and launch your campaign

Display your campaign to New Visitors only.

Pick a template and launch your first
Gamification Popup campaign in 2 minutes

Want us to set this
up for you?

Register a new OptiMonk account today and get your first campaign professionally set up by our team of conversion specialists.
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personalization tactics?

Sign up, segment and help your visitors kick off their shopping
Build your email and SMS list at the same time
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