Smart Abandonment Stopper

Encourage product discovery by promoting your top products on autopilot

Stop abandoning visitors without discounting and increase your conversion rate while saving money
When to use it?

Discounts are a strategy that many ecommerce stores swear by. But what about visitors who come from Google Shopping Ads or price comparison sites and go directly to your product pages, then leave without buying? Should you offer discounts to them?

Probably not.

Why? Because these visitors have already seen your prices in the Google Shopping Ads, which means that when they clicked through they were aware of your prices. The reason for the bounce is probably not price related.

Instead, try focusing on product discovery!

You can encourage product discovery (and decrease bounce rates at the same time) by promoting your trending products in an exit-intent popup.

You can do all this dynamically using this tactic! All you need to do is to create a single exit-intent popup and set it up correctly for your Google Ads traffic.

How to set it up?

Step 1: Create a Product Recommender popup

Scroll down and choose a template and fine-tune it to your style.

Or you can simply create any popup and add a product element from the “Add elements” section:

Step 2: Set up the products you want to promote

In the product element, choose the most popular products setting:

If you don’t have a Shopify store, you will need to manually add the details of your products that you would like to see on your campaign.

Step 3: Insert Smart Tag

Insert the “Current month in EN” Smart Tag into your headline to create an even more personalized feel.

Step 4: Target and launch your campaign

The campaign should appear on exit-intent on product pages, so only those visitors will see your message who are about to leave your product pages.

Target only those visitors who are coming from Google Ads.

Pick a template and launch your first
Smart Abandonment Stopper campaign in 2 minutes

Want us to set this
up for you?

Register a new OptiMonk account today and get your first campaign professionally set up by our team of conversion specialists.
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personalization tactics?

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Sign up, segment and help your visitors kick off their shopping
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