
If you want to learn about popups, you’ve come to the right place. Here, you'll find everything you need to know about popups.

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Over the years, we’ve published tons of free educational materials around popups on our blog.
But still, it could be hard to find a starting point or pathway to improve your popup knowledge.

That’s why we created this guide. Whether you’re just getting started on your popup journey
or already know the basics, this page is your gateway to popup mastery.

What are popups?

Popups are overlays that appear on your website based on your visitors’ site behavior and display secondary messages. They come in many different shapes and sizes.

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Why use popups?

Using a popup on your website or ecommerce store yields so many benefits. They can help guide website visitors through their customer journey in a logical and engaging manner.

What’s the average popup conversion rate?

Our up-to-date data will help you create successful popups, build a massive email list and boost your sales. Read this for some surprising and informative popup statistics.

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Why do popups annoy visitors and how to prevent it?

We all have experienced irrelevant popups that interrupt us while browsing our favorite websites. The good news is that popups don’t inevitably annoy anyone who sees them. In fact, popups are only annoying when they’re used in the wrong way.

Popup basics

If you’re new to popups and not sure when to use them, this section is for you.
Here you’ll find all the basics to kick off your popup journey. 

When you should and shouldn’t use popups?

Utilizing a popup at the right time and in the right place is a crucial part of optimizing your conversion rate. Read more

What does GDPR mean
for popups?

We’re sure you’ve already heard about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). But does your popup comply with GDPR? Read more

Top reasons why popups don’t convert

Here’s the million-dollar question: why don’t some popups convert—and what can you do about it? We’ve got viable solutions for you. Read more

The 6 biggest popup

We'll share the six most common misconceptions with you and give you our take on why they aren’t justified. Read more

Popup types

You need to make sure that you’re using the right type of popup in the right situation.
Otherwise, it won’t be nearly as effective as it could be. Learn everything about popup types here.

An exit-intent popup is perfect for increasing your conversion rate without disrupting your visitors’ experience.

Here are the benefits of gamified popups and how you can use this tactic to boost your online store’s conversion rates and increase sales.

Check out 12 ecommerce popup examples that help you increase newsletter subscriptions and grow your bottom line.

How to create popups

Now that you know the popup basics and types, it’s time to learn how to create your popups.
These three articles are all you need to build an awesome popup that has high conversion rates.

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If you want to achieve high conversion rates on your popups, it’s important to get three basic things right.

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Here are some best practices on how you can craft your popups into high-converting machines.

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There are good and bad popups. Do you know what tells them apart? Here’s an ultimate guide to best popup design with examples and best practices.

How to improve your popup’s
conversion rate

It’s time to dig deeper. These articles include advanced
tips that will help to boost your conversion rates.

10 advanced tips to boost your popup conversion rates

We’ve seen several popups reaching more than a 40% conversion rate. These 10 advanced tips will help you achieve similar results. Read more

15 best practices to double the effectiveness of your popups

In this article, we’re going to look at how you can improve conversion rates for your popup campaigns. Read more

A/B testing for popups: Easy guide + real-life examples

We’ll explain what an A/B test is, and how you can do your own A/B testing. Plus, we’ll show you 4 real-life examples. Read more

Refresh your popup campaigns for success

Here's a list you need to keep in mind when you’re refreshing your campaigns. These tips will help to achieve better results. Read more

Popup UX design: Best practices, tips & examples

Avoid disrupting your visitors with popups, instead, use them to improve your UX. Here, we’ll look at 5 ways you can do just that. Read more

8 essential popup tips to boost your conversion rate

Following these popup tips will help you create user-friendly, high-converting popups that website visitors want to engage with. Read more

Popup segmentation

Wondering how to segment your visitors and customers? This section is for you!

Top 9 ecommerce segments & how to help them with popups

Here we’ll discuss the 9 most important ecommerce segments you should target and share popup campaign recommendations for each segment.

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Popup strategies for each step of the ecommerce sales funnel

In this article, we’ll show you how to use popups to move customers through the stages of awareness.

Seasonal popups

Seasonal popup campaigns are a great way to increase FOMO in your visitors and increase your conversion rates.
Check out these articles to get inspiration for some of the most popular holidays.

Read on to see the creative ways these businesses have used popup campaigns to promote their Black Friday sales. 

In this article, we’ll share our top 15 creative popup examples to help you add some holiday cheer to your website. 

Here are 9 powerful popup templates and examples that can inspire you to run successful promotions during the last few days of the year.

Let’s take a quick look at some beautiful St. Patrick’s Day popups that will help you tap into the “Luck of the Irish” and grow your business.

In this article, we’ll share 10 gorgeous popup templates our designers have come up with to help you meet your goals.

Here are 15 popup templates that can be live on your site with just a few minutes of setup, giving your store the boost it needs over the summer!

Multi popups

Your website visitors are different and they’re at different stages in the user journey. This means you need to
personalize your messages by creating multiple popups. Let’s cover quickly how to do that! 

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You put a lot of energy into designing a beautiful popup and crafting your best possible copy. But unfortunately, it turns out that the vast majority of users are simply NOT interested in joining your list. Why is that?

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There are several ways of displaying dozens or even hundreds of personalized popups without ever overwhelming visitors or annoying them. Let’s take a closer look at exactly how to do that!

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We’ve worked with thousands of brands and seen the process they go through as they become popup personalization experts. In this post, we’ll share the three levels of popup users that we’ve identified.

Best popup tools

Looking for the best popup tool to collect more subscribers and boost your
site conversions? Check out these helpful articles!

10 best popup software to boost conversions in 2022

This article is for you if you’re having trouble figuring out which popup builder best suits your needs. Read more

9 best WordPress popup plugins of 2022

Popup plugins for WordPress come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and pricing plans. Check out this list of the best WordPress popup plugins. Read more

11 best exit-intent plugins for WordPress in 2022

Since there’s a staggering amount of free and paid exit-intent plugins, we’ve collected the eleven best choices. Read more

8 best email popup Shopify apps to grow your list

We’ve put together this list of the 8 best Shopify popup apps that will help you create stunning email popups for your Shopify store. Read more

12 best Shopify popup apps to boost your sales in 2022

Choosing the right popup tool is no easy task, which is why we’ve analyzed the features, reviews, and pricing of these apps. Read more

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The Ultimate Guide to Creating High-Converting Popups

Whether you’re new to popups, or you’re already using them, this detailed guide is perfect for you! It’ll help you to run more effective popups that your customers will love to see and will increase your revenue up to 10 times.

Create your free account.

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