mail - Grow your Messenger list

Turn visitors into Messenger leads

Make your visitors subscribe to your Facebook Messenger list and get 10x better engagement than using email marketing.
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What our users say
Using a Messenger popup, our subscription rate growth is MASSIVELY increased, there is no comparison to previous.
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Evan Henshaw

Get better open rates
and grow your business

More than 1.3 billion people use Messenger every day and you can reach them.
Using our popups, you can make your visitors subscribe to your Messenger list with a single click
and beat every other channel with an ~80% open rate and ~25% click rate.

grow messenger list - Grow your Messenger list

more people

More than 1.3 billion people use Facebook Messenger daily. Why not talk to your users on the platform they actively use?

more visitors

Thanks to the frictionless, one-click experience, Messenger opt-in rate is much higher than email. No typing email addresses, just a single click.

your leads

You can integrate OptiMonk with your favorite Messenger marketing software and send personalized, interactive content to your leads.

collect messenger subscribers 1 - Grow your Messenger list

Build a
healthy list

By segmenting your visitors and displaying personalized messages, you can build a healthy Messenger list that only contains visitors who are interested in your products.

OptiMonk has expanded our reach to new customers. With their support from their account managers, we have achieved 3,866 subscribers in 7 weeks.

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gather facebook subscribers mobile - Grow your Messenger list

engagement rate

Messenger provides a far better engagement rate than what you're used to in email — with an average 85% open and 28% click rate.

If you haven’t tried out OptiMonk yet, you’re missing out! This is the easiest app out there and it pays for itself right away! We never had any problems and customer service is outstanding.

Sarina Erstad

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easy optin for your visitors - Grow your Messenger list

Easy opt-in
for your visitors

Facebook is the most popular social media platform with 1.5 billion daily active users. If your visitors are logged in to Facebook, they can easily sign up to your list with a single click.

Results were showing within days. Subscription rate growth is MASSIVELY increased, there is no comparison to previous.

Evan Henshaw

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Messenger lead generation tools

OptiMonk has all the features you need to capture more Messenger leads
– without ruining the user experience on your site.

200+ templates
with D’n’D editor

Creating a new Messenger popup has never been easier with our drag & drop editor and our 200+ beautiful pre-made templates.


Messenger subscription provides a one-click experience. No need for typing in emails or phone numbers. Just a single click.

Send tailored

OptiMonk integrates easily with Messenger platforms like Recart, ManyChat and ShopMessage, so you can send personalized messages.


You OptiMonk popups are fully GDPR compliant. You can easily add as many checkboxes to your popup as you wish.


Our spin-to-win, scratch card and ‘pick a gift’ games make the Messenger popups fun and irresistible.


Target different visitor segments and personalize their user experience with fully customized messages.

Discover endless possibilities​

Capturing Messenger leads has never been
more user-friendly

Works with all major
Messenger marketing software

Push your subscribers directly to your favorite
Messenger marketing, newsletter and CRM system

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BigCommerce - Grow your Messenger list
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Create your free account &

Turn your traffic into subscribers

Forever free plan Easy setup  No credit card required

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