Unlock the untapped potential in your Klaviyo segments with OptiMonk

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Whats new blog cover Whats new with klaviyo optimonk - Unlock the untapped potential in your Klaviyo segments with OptiMonk

Mindless email marketing without proper segmentation is passé. If you pay close attention to ROAS, you know that true power lies in segmentation. 

🎯 Deliver highly personalized on-site messages to Klaviyo lists & segments

Leverage Klaviyo’s powerful lists and segments by targeting personalized on-site popups at them. With OptiMonk’s new Klaviyo lists and segments targeting rule, you have endless options to create a truly unique customer experience. 

klaviyo segment list targeting - Unlock the untapped potential in your Klaviyo segments with OptiMonk

How to use your Klaviyo segments for on-site messaging? Here are some ideas for inspiration:

  • Provide personalized offers to returning visitors or repeat buyers
    Target VIP Customers or Repeat Buyers with a Welcome back popup and display new arrivals in your store or remind them of what products they were browsing last time.
  • Reactivate churned or at-risk customers
    If you’ve identified customers who seem to loose interest or stopped visiting your store frequently in a Klaviyo segment, you can peak their interest again with a limited-time discount popup.
  • Personalize based on visitor location
    Let visitors in a specific area know about important updates such as opening a new popup store.
  • Ask email subscribers to sign up for SMS
    Target a phone number list popup at subscribers who have already signed up to you email list since they’ll be more likely to give you the second piece of contact information.

👤 Enrich your Klaviyo profiles with conversational popups

Supercharge your segmentation by enriching Klaviyo profiles directly from popups. Collect more data about visitors by asking helpful questions and guide browsing. The conversational popup is an interactive way to collect contact information and data about an individual customer’s preferences. Compared to traditional popups, they are much closer to the natural flow of communication. They’re like a short conversation between a customer and a shop assistant.

Conversational popups not only contribute to creating memorable customer experiences, but also result in 3-4x more conversions and 1.5-2x more opt-ins.

Data from conversational popups is sent directly to your Klaviyo profiles so that you can personalize your email and SMS flows even further.

💡 Forgetting to add the right Klaviyo integration to your campaigns is officially impossible

Even if you use OptiMonk popups on multiple domains, you don’t have to worry anymore about sending the right data to the right place. Our refreshed clear-cut integration is vigilant so that you can relax and focus on what’s more important: campaign design and targeting.

OptiMonk now recognizes if you have Klaviyo on your site and leads you through a foolproof process to hook up the right segment with the right input fields in OptiMonk. We also remind you to add the integration to any new campaigns, if you’ve set it up before.

easy klaviyo - Unlock the untapped potential in your Klaviyo segments with OptiMonk

💾 Save all data before a visitor abandons a popup with Smart Sync

If you’ve used multi-step campaigns (for example, where you collect name on the first page and email on the second page) before, Smart Sync is here to make data collection even more efficient. If you’ve never tried them before, this new feature along with our new Trojan Horse formula (see below) is just another reason to try them.

Before Smart Sync, when visitors abandoned popups before completing all steps, information they provided up to the step got lost.

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Smart Sync is here to detect when a visitor navigates away or quits the popup and sends all gathered information into your marketing automation software / integration of your choice.

P.S. Smart Sync is also available for non-Klaviyo users.

📲 Collect 40% more phone numbers with this brand-new popup formula: The Trojan Horse

This brand-new popup formula designed in cooperation with the #1 Klaviyo Expert exclusively for OptiMonk users is here to change the way you think about collecting phone numbers.

How do you feel when someone asks you several questions all at once – like email & phone number? 

Probably, like you’re being interrogated.

This is exactly how your visitors feel when you ask them to give you all their info all in one page. However, if you do the same step by step, building trust along the way, they will be more likely to actually give you their information. 40% more likely to give you the second piece of information, to be exact.

th example popup - Unlock the untapped potential in your Klaviyo segments with OptiMonk

❓ OptiMonk vs. Klaviyo - Why you need both

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If you’re new to OptiMonk, you’d be right to wonder why you need a more sophisticated popup tool beside Klaviyo’s solution. This is why we created a very straightforward comparison here.

☝️ Stay up to date with the latest Klaviyo tactics

Our CEO & Founder, Csaba Zajdo, held a very informative webinar in June where he uncovered 12 Little-Known Ways for Klaviyo Users to Grow Leads, Sales & LTV with OptiMonk. Couldn’t make it then? Catch up on its content now:

If you’re keen on learning more, here’s another piece of great content to help you make the most out of OptiMonk & Klaviyo together: 

How to Collect Data Through Popups to Personalize Your Klaviyo Email & SMS Flows

How to Get The Most of Your Klaviyo Abandoned Cart Flow with Klaviyo and OptiMonk

We hope our new features will empower you to make the most of your Klaviyo lists & segments. Give them a try and don’t hesitate to let us know what you think in the comment section.

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