29 Email Popup Examples to Get More Newsletter Subscribers in 2023

Email Popup Examples to Get More Newsletter Subscribers

Did you know email marketing is one of the most effective ways to engage customers? In fact, for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $40.

Seeing this stat, it’s no surprise that 81% of small businesses use email marketing to build customer relationships, launch new products, and drive sales. 

But before you can use email marketing to do all that, you need to build your email list. And without a doubt, email popups are the best way to generate more email subscribers.

In this article, we’ll guide you through how you can get new subscribers using newsletter popup forms and show you 29 email popups to get inspired.

Let’s get started!

What are email popups?

Popups are overlays that appear on your website based on different targeting and triggering options, and they usually promote a secondary offer for website visitors, such as:

  • A lead magnet like an ebook or content upgrade
  • Newsletter subscription
  • A discount or free gift
  • Product recommendations

Email popups (also known as newsletter popups or email subscription popups) are the most popular type of popups. As the name suggests, email popups are used to collect email addresses from your visitors with an email capture form.

Here’s an example of a newsletter popup:

The different types of overlays for getting your visitor's email address

Popups are the most popular type of overlay, but there are other types that will also help you capture email addresses. In some cases, other types of overlays might work better than a popup form, because using too many popups can quickly annoy your visitors.

1. Standard email popup

Of the four types covered, the standard email popup form is the most common one you’ll see.

You know what it looks like. It’s the small window that “pops up,” hovering over the main content of your web page.

When to use it: Standard email popups work best after visitors have spent some time on your website or when used as exit-intent popups, meaning the popup shows up when a visitor is about to leave your website.

2. Fullscreen popup

Fullscreen popups are great when you really want to get the visitor’s attention because they take up the entire screen. They work like a mini landing page.

When to use it: When you want to eliminate any distractions and ensure your visitors pay attention.

3. Sidemessage

Sidemessages are non-intrusive messages that appear on the side of the screen. They’re a great way to deliver messages without disrupting your website visitors’ experience. 

When to use it: When you want to message visitors without interrupting them, e.g. while they’re reading an article or immediately after they arrive on your website.

4. Sticky bar

Sticky bars stick to the top or bottom of your screen and stay there while the visitor scrolls. Like sidemessages, sticky bars target visitors with a subtle message.

When to use it: Sticky bars are great for sending sitewide messages without forcing visitors to interact immediately.

29 newsletter popup examples to inspire your list-growing strategy

Now that you’ve got the basics down, here are some great email popups to inspire you.

1. Framebridge

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What’s great about this email popup:

  • The muted tones in the background make the yellow call-to-action button stand out even more, which leads to a better conversion rate.
  • Clear value proposition. Visitors know right away that they’re receiving a 15% discount on their first purchase.
  • Framebridge is collecting phone numbers for SMS marketing, too.

What could be better with this example:

  • The background image makes some of the text hard to read.
  • The call-to-action button is generic. Try being actionable by saying something like “Yes! I want my 15% discount.”

If you’d like to create a similar popup form that promotes a discount,  you don’t have to purchase a laptop for graphic design and master complicated techniques. Just use this popup template and customize it the way you want.

2. Indigo

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What’s great about this email popup:

  • “Subscribe & Enjoy” evokes a pleasant feeling about joining the mailing list and enjoying Indigo’s amazing offers.
  • This is a great example of not beating around the bush. The visitor knows right away that they can receive 10% off.
  • Simple, one-step opt-in. Website visitors enter their email addresses and click the button. The process is over in a second, which is appealing to busy people. 

What could be better with this example:

Try this popup template:

3. 2X eCommerce

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What’s great about this email popup:

  • This email popup example visually looks great. The CTA button contrasts with the popup’s background, immediately grabbing visitors’ attention.
  • The pain point and value proposition are clear in the text, enticing visitors to subscribe. Who doesn’t want rapid ecommerce growth and exclusive growth strategies?

What could be better with this example:

  • The CTA might not be specific enough. By adding “Sign up for my private newsletter” to the call-to-action button, visitors would know right away what they’re getting even if they haven’t read the smaller text. 
  • The subheading is hard to read, especially for visitors with visual impairments.

If you don’t want to offer a discount and simply want to promote the value of your newsletter subscription, try these popup templates:

4. Ollie

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What’s great about this email popup:

  • This popup example uses bright colors and strong branding to grab visitors’ attention.
  • It has an easy-to-read, straightforward offer.
  • The upfront offer is compelling and highlights a long-term commitment from the company (50% off, then 25% off twice).

What could be better with this example:

  • The call-to-action button isn’t enticing or particularly special. Rather than “Continue,” something like “Send Me My Special Offer” would be far more likely to increase conversions.
  • The CTA button could pop a bit more by using a contrasting color that stands out.

5. BlendJet

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What’s great about this email popup:

  • BlendJet uses a fullscreen popup that blends seamlessly into the background, increasing engagement.
  • You know exactly what you’re getting when you sign up. 
  • They don’t require a lot of personal information. They only ask for an email address. Requiring minimum effort from visitors is a great trick for spiking conversions.

What could be better with this example:

  • Asking for a first name would help create more personalized user experiences in the future. 
  • A horizontal layout might be better for this email popup example. Moving the image to the left would help guide visitors’ eyes to the sales copy on the right. 

6. Fully

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What’s great about this email popup:

  • This email popup example is aesthetically pleasing with legible text and a stylish, real-world photo.
  • Visually, the CTA button is clear and identifiable (and aligned with the brand’s color scheme).
  • The message behind the popup is simple: get 5% off.

What could be better with this example:

  • The discount could be larger to make it worth the visitor’s time (think 10% or 15% off).
  • The CTA button and copy could be a bit more exciting.

7. Mala the Brand

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What’s great about this email popup:

  • The informal, conversational language gives this email popup form more personality.
  • “No spam – just the good stuff” helps reassure skeptical visitors who might be hesitant about opting in.
  • The “Join the Club” call-to-action creates a sense of community and exclusivity.

What could be better with this example:

  • This lightbox popup could use some sort of imagery. The format has personality, but the appearance is dull for visitors.
  • The “save 10%” offer could be bolded for emphasis.

8. 100% Pure

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What’s great about this email popup:

  • This interactive, two-step popup is playful and provides a refreshing change of pace.
  • The tone and colors of this popup example are very much on-brand with the site.
  • The “15% OFF” coupon is not only compelling, but it also gives the visitor an opportunity to personalize their offers.

What could be better with this example:

  • The use of pink could be a bit much, muddying the CTA, input field, etc.
  • The initial “mystery offer” might be off-putting. People might not realize that they’re getting a deal or what the scratch-off popup is.

9. Paddywax Candles

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What’s great about this email popup:

  • This is a visually appealing popup design that blends well with the brand.
  • The image is attractive and simple, and gives you a calm vibe.
  • Unique offer. When visitors enter their birthdate, there’s an insinuation of a birthday surprise. 

What could be better with this example:

  • There’s too much text on this email subscription popup.
  • The text color against the white background is a bit tough to read. 
  • They don’t emphasize the 15% discount (which is the main value proposition). Visitors care more about that than the “New Here?” heading. 

10. Structube

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What’s great about this email popup:

  • The incentive is clear: Win $100. The text is large and bold without being overdone. 
  • People love to play, so giving them a chance to win something is a great idea.
  • The color palette is effective and on-brand. The yellow makes this design very attractive.
  • The image is appealing and gives visitors a sense of what they could purchase with their gift card.

What could be better with this example:

  • The subtext is wordy and not entirely clear: is there a chance to win in a weekly draw, or will the winner get a $100 gift card every week?
  • The CTA button text could be a bit more exciting, like: “Sign me up!” or “I’d love to win!”

11. Hello Fresh

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What’s great about this email popup:

  • It appears on exit-intent with copy that will definitely stop abandoning visitors: “Before you go…”
  • The photograph looks delicious, and the colors complement the imagery really well in this eye-catching popup campaign.
  • The discount really makes subscribing worthwhile. Who wouldn’t want to save $80?

What could be better with this example:

  • This email signup popup might be too busy. There’s a lot of text, making the popup feel cluttered. It could be optimized by cutting out anything unnecessary.
  • The offer is complicated, forcing people to stop and think about what they’re getting. 

12. Cygnett

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What’s great about this email popup:

  • Cygnett keeps the popup design simple and clear. Great use of minimalist design.
  • They don’t inconvenience the visitor by asking for too much information, just a first name and email address.

What could be better with this example:

  • A CTA like “Get My 10% OFF!” would be more specific and unique.
  • Although the button color creates a good contrast, it’s worth A/B testing different colors to find out what visitors like most.

13. Monoset

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What’s great about this email popup:

  • The black and white design gives a simple yet elegant feel to this email signup popup.
  • The message is clear and direct, leaving no room for confusion. 

What might need some work:

  • Although the text at the bottom of the popup is a lovely sentiment, it increases the noise. Deleting this and spacing out the rest of the popup text would help simplify this visually.
  • This popup might work better as a sidemessage to avoid annoying visitors.

14. Knix

website email pop up - 29 Email Popup Examples to Get More Newsletter Subscribers in 2023

What’s great about this email popup:

  • The imagery aligns perfectly with the brand, and the color scheme looks great too.
  • The value proposition is clear and easy to understand. Visitors know exactly what they’re getting. 

What could be better with this example:

  • There’s a lot of fine print. This could confuse or overwhelm the reader.
  • Adding a name field would help to create a more personalized experience in the future.
  • The CTA button insinuates that there are more steps involved to receive the 10% discount. This won’t help increase conversions and might even increase the bounce rate.

15. Klymit

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What’s great about this email popup:

  • The “No” button does a great job telling visitors that they’re passing on exclusive discounts.
  • The color of the “Yes” button really grabs the reader’s attention.
  • The “Yes” button also reiterates the value proposition (subscribers will save on Klymit gear).

What could be better with this example:

  • Parts of the image make the text difficult to read. 
  • This email signup popup could be A/B tested without the image.
  • It’s not clear that the special offers are only available to email subscribers.

16. P.E. Nation

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What’s great about this email popup:

  • Nothing is confusing about this popup email form. It’s straightforward and easy to understand. 
  • Bolding the “10% off” draws attention to the discount, which will motivate visitors to enter their email addresses.
  • The black and white popup over a colorful background makes the email capture form stand out.

What could be better with this example:

  • Despite being clean and simple, this example is a bit on the plain side.
  • P.E. Nation doesn’t mention the type of products they sell. That could drive first-time visitors away. 
  • The CTA could be more unique.

17. Mydeal.com.au

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What’s great about this email popup:

  • The first thing visitors notice is the $10 coupon, which is a great way to motivate them to opt in.
  • This discount popup is straight to the point. There’s no wordy subtext that could confuse the visitors or stop them from converting.

What could be better with this example:

  • The CTA button text is generic. Instead of “Sign up,” they could try saying something like “I want to save $10.”
  • The CTA button should contrast with the color of the background.
  • A variant without a background picture could drive even more attention to the offer. 

18. Soggy Doggy

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What’s great about this email popup:

  • This email list signup form has a simple, clear, and minimalistic design which makes the 10% discount stand out. Visitors will know the benefits of joining the mailing list just by glancing at the popup.
  • This popup has a clear, short headline.
  • The color scheme complements the brand logo, giving the popup a professional feel.

What could be better with this example:

  • There’s a lot of unused space on this popup, which makes it feel like something’s missing. Adding an image of a product would help.
  • It’s difficult to see where you’re supposed to enter your email address. If your input fields are hard to read, you could miss out on conversions.

19. Bathing Culture

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What’s great about this email popup:

  • The out-of-the-ordinary design of this signup form immediately grabs visitors’ attention.
  • The message is simple and easy to follow.

What could be better with this example:

  • The input field and the CTA button are the same color, which could be confusing at first glance. Making the CTA text bolder or choosing a different button color could help.
  • The “No thanks” button should be larger so visitors can see it clearly.

20. BLK & Bold

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What’s great about this email popup? 

  • The product takes center stage on this popup, tempting the visitor to sign up in order to get a discount on their first order of premium coffee. Showcasing your product in a well-lit, high-impact image is an awesome way to encourage new shoppers to purchase.
  • This popup offers a tempting 15% off, making it a powerful incentive for driving sign-ups. 

What could be better with this example:

  • The call-to-action button is pretty basic: visitors have seen similar ones used by many websites before. Get visitors to take notice and drive action by styling your CTAs more creatively. 

21. Tentree

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What’s great about this email popup? 

  • People (especially humanistic decision-makers) connect to images of people that show human emotion. It helps them feel emotionally connected to a brand. Tentree’s image choice here is an awesome way to connect with these kinds of prospects. 
  • Another cool aspect of this popup? The sharp copy. The “unlock now” call-to-action button creates a sense of elite exclusivity, making it a smart way to collect emails.
  • In addition, they also connect the action of signing up and using their 10% off discount code with a desirable outcome: “start planting” (and help save the planet!). 

What could be better with this example:

  • To help foster a sense of relationship between the brand and visitor, Tentree should also ask for a first name.

22. MFMG Cosmetics

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What’s great about this email popup? 

  • MFMG uses gamification like a pro in this sleek popup example. One aspect that makes a great game so fun is the sense of suspense. MFMG plays into this by offering a secret bonus behind the digital lever pull. Visitors have to drop their email and phone number in the boxes provided to play and find out what they’ll win.
  • The fun call-to-action “try your luck” adds to the sense of fun and suspense. 

What could be better with this example:

  • On the flip side, the popup text is small and hard to read, which could irritate visitors and cause them to close the popup. Remember to keep your text readable for every visitor, no matter their age or the strength of their eyesight. 

23. Kotn

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What’s great about this email popup? 

  • Kotn does an awesome job of putting the focus on the visitor with this sidemessage. They use “you” frequently (rather than “we” or “our”), they let the visitor decide what kinds of content they’re interested in (women’s, men’s, and/or home), and they highlight the benefits of signing up.
  • In addition, this sidemessage uses the company’s brand colors. This ensures brand consistency, which builds trust with the audience. 

What could be better with this example:

  • One way they could improve is by breaking up the text for better readability. Having too much text too close together can be tiring for readers. 

24. Flourist

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What’s great about this email popup? 

  • Flourist keeps their popup sleek and simple. This helps give it a non-invasive feel, keeping irritation down for visitors who are browsing their site.
  • The text hues match the brand colors, with a homely brown that creates a sense of comfort rather than a jarring user experience. 

What could be better with this example:

  • Many shoppers now expect free shipping, so this may not be a strong enough incentive for them to sign up for the newsletter. Adding a 10% discount to the offer could help drive more conversions. 

25. Partake Foods

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What’s great about this email popup? 

  • Partake Foods offers a generous 15% off, which is a strong incentive.
  • The font matches their brand and the beautiful color choices draw the eyes. 

What could be better with this example:

  • When it comes to your copy, always go for clarity over cleverness. The opening line is definitely clever, but it could confuse some visitors.
  • Featuring an image of one of their products in their popup could help drive more conversions. By showing the product, people would immediately connect their 15% off to a potential future purchase, like a delicious birthday cake or pumpkin spice cookies. 

26. Bailly

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What’s great about this email popup? 

  • This popup offers a desirable 10% off, which is awesome for driving sign ups.
  • They use minimal text, so readers can scan quickly and decide whether or not to subscribe in a few seconds.
  • The featured image is inviting, showing two friends enjoying the products. 

What could be better with this example:

  • The copy isn’t very inventive. Readers will have seen similar messages many times before, so they might just look past instead of really considering the offer.

27. Tsuno

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What’s great about this email popup? 

  • The products are eye catching and beautifully featured. The fun packaging makes this image a delight to look at, which will capture people’s attention and help boost conversions.
  • In addition, the bright blue CTA button also matches the blue of the packaging, creating a uniform feel that’s consistent with the Tsuno brand. 

What could be better with this example:

  • The call-to-action button isn’t the most engaging, they could hike conversion rates by using more creative text.

28. Bésame Cosmetics

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What’s great about this email popup? 

  • The choice to use a sidemessage ensures that visitors’ browsing experience isn’t interrupted. People can easily drop in their details and subscribe.
  • The popup clearly and succinctly illustrates the main benefits of signing up for their email list, making it seem like a winning opportunity.
  • The addition of a hashtag also gives the copy a fun vibe and makes it seem like subscribers will be part of a fun, bustling community of beauty lovers. 

What could be better with this example:

  • While the color choices are chic and go well with the website, the brand could benefit from A/B testing different colorful hues to see if they can boost conversions.

29. Adored Vintage

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What’s great about this email popup? 

  • The popup features a fun welcome and offers a clear benefit to subscribing with 10% off.
  • The suggestion that people will join a VIP list gives them a sense that they’ll be part of an exclusive “in crowd,” boosting desirability. 

What could be better with this example:

  • The capitalization of the text makes the popup difficult to read. This can frustrate visitors and negatively impact sign-up rates.
  • The white hue somewhat blends into the background of the site. Experimenting with different fonts and colors could provide an uptick in new subscribers. 

4 tips for designing a newsletter popup that grabs website visitors’ attention

Ready to design email popups of your own? Below are some popup best practices to help you grab visitors’ attention and grow your mailing list.

Tip 1: Make the headline strong

You only have a few seconds to grab your visitors’ attention. A strong headline is paramount, and it will offer value right away. 

Tip 2: Keep it simple, clear, and relevant

With popups, simplicity wins. A cluttered popup is annoying because it’s confusing and takes far too long to figure out what your offer is.

Tip 3: Make sure your offer is valuable

Every great popup example we cover has one thing in common: they give visitors something of value like a discount code, free shipping, or a lead magnet. A popup that doesn’t deliver value isn’t a good popup.

Tip 4: Don’t forget the call-to-action

The call-to-action should be both prominent and direct. It should be the main focus of the popup design and should be immediately recognizable within a fraction of a second. And remember to only use one call-to-action per popup. Otherwise, your message becomes confusing. 

Watch this short video for more tips on how to get the most subscribers with your email popup campaigns:


Do email popups work?

The short answer is yes. According to our own statistics, popups with a discount offer have an average 7.65% conversion rate. But even incentive-free email popups have a 5.10% average conversion rate. And lucky wheel popups (which are also a type of newsletter popups) perform even better, with a 13.23% average conversion rate.

What is the best timing for email popups?

If a popup appears too quickly (right after the site loads, for instance), it can annoy your new visitors. Plus, they probably won’t be ready to sign up for your newsletter yet. Generally, we recommend displaying popup forms on exit intent, but for more details, check out this article.

Wrapping up

Now that you’ve seen some examples of great newsletter popups, are you ready to build your own?

Take a look at our Template Library to see how you can grow your email list with the help of eye-catching email popups like the ones covered here.

We offer a slew of ready-to-use templates and color themes to choose from and add to landing pages, blog posts, or anywhere else on your website. 

Building subscriber lists for your email campaigns has never been easier!