6 Set & Forget Tactics to Grow Shopify Sales Instantly

6 Set Forget Tactics to Grow Shopify Sales Instantly - 6 Set & Forget Tactics to Grow Shopify Sales Instantly

Finding the time and resources to optimize your Shopify store can be a real headache. Especially because you have to keep an eye on your ever-growing to-do list while juggling the day-to-day work of product development and fulfilling orders. And let’s be honest, conversion rate optimization is usually not at the top of your list. 

That’s exactly why we’ve brought you 6 “set and forget” tactics you can set up in just a few minutes that will grow your sales instantly!

Tactic #1: Stop abandonment without discounting

Online store owners often deal with high cart abandonment rates

Offering discounts for new visitors—especially for those who are coming from price comparison sites or Google Shopping Ads—may not be the best strategy. Why? Because they’re already familiar with your prices, and there’s a high chance that the bounce rate is not related to the price. 

Fortunately, there’s an effective alternative: use an exit intent popup to highlight trending products and encourage shoppers to explore further. This way you can keep shoppers on your website longer, and sometimes knowing that a product is trending is enough to encourage people to buy!

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This strategy is an effective way to re-engage your abandoning visitors and encourage them to explore further and shop around.

With this simple strategy, you can increase your revenue by 20-30% on average.

How to set it up? 

  1. Create a Product Recommender popup. You can get started by choosing a template right here
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2. In the product element, simply choose “most popular products.” This way, the recommended products will be shown dynamically for your visitors based on stats from the past 14 days.

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Tactic #2: Provide a more personalized welcome experience for organic visitors

One of the reasons your popups aren’t grabbing much attention is that you’re using the same message for everyone. Even if you discover a message that performs well in testing, most of your visitors still won’t be interested.

As an ecommerce store owner, your audience is probably quite diverse, so it’s important to tap into that diversity. 

OptiMonk’s Smart Popups help you move beyond one-size-fits-all popups and improve your organic traffic results. These campaigns can automatically personalize your popup message for each visitor based on the page they’re browsing. 

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Since it’s fully automated, you don’t have to do all the manual hustle of keeping up with a campaign. After the initial setup, our AI will generate a 1-1 personalized popup for every visitor. 

Learn more about Smart Popups here.

Tactic #3: Help returning visitors by reminding them where they left off

People often don’t make purchases on their first website visit, particularly when they’re shopping for high-priced items. As human beings, we like to explore alternatives, compare products, and then make a well-considered decision.

However, this doesn’t mean that those visitors won’t come back to make a purchase from your site in the future. When they return, it’s important to impress and make the user experience as smooth as possible.

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By showing them their previously viewed products on a popup, they can continue with a single click. This way, they don’t have to start all over and search for the items they viewed earlier.

How to set it up?

  1. Create a Product Recommendation campaign. You can either choose from one of our pre-made templates or insert it into one of your existing campaigns. 
  2. Simply turn on the recently viewed products feature.
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Finally, target this campaign to returning visitors.

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Tactic #4: A/B test landing page and homepage headlines automatically

A/B testing has typically been associated with larger brands, as it demands expertise and resources. This makes it a less accessible tool for small brands. 

OptiMonk’s Smart A/B Testing empowers you to effortlessly run multiple A/B tests concurrently on any section of your webpage.

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And the icing on the cake? You get to decide the tests, while OptiMonk’s AI effortlessly handles the execution. 

All you need to do is choose the elements you want to optimize, and let AI craft new variations of your landing pages. AI will start, evaluate, and stop A/B tests automatically until it finds the winning version. 

You can finally forget time-consuming (and pricey) A/B tests and automate 95% of your CRO tasks. 

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Crown and Paw’s home page A/B testing resulted in a 16% increase in orders. 

Learn more about Smart A/B testing here.

Tactic #5: Optimize product pages with AI

Many visitors will find their way to your product detail pages without ever seeing your homepage or landing pages. After all, search and display ads that lead directly to product pages are a major traffic source. However, it’s a challenge to optimize these product detail pages for each of the many products in your store.  

Traditional A/B testing tools are inadequate for large-scale content experimentation like this because they can’t efficiently edit or add content to multiple product pages. That leaves you with the expensive, time-consuming task of crafting new content for testing each page.

OptiMonk’s Smart Product Page Optimizer is here to turn your product pages into high-converting sales pages. Our AI model can understand what your product page is about and craft captivating headlines, product descriptions, and lists of benefits for you. 

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Varnish & Vine’s AI-optimized product pages led to a 12% rise in orders and a remarkable 43% increase in revenue.

Sign up now to learn more about Smart Product Page Optimizer.

Tactic 6: Set up a better search experience

If you’re selling products online, your first step in optimizing conversion rates should involve setting up a user-friendly site search engine. As users enter their keywords into the search bar, real-time results appear, enabling them to quickly and easily locate the products they want.

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Your primary goal should be to have everything readily available to your customers, right at their fingertips and ready for purchase. A positive search experience not only enhances the user journey but can also lead to increased conversion rates.

It’s important to note that if your visitors can’t find what they’re looking for initially (which means a poor search experience) approximately 70% of them may exit without making a purchase.

If you’re looking to enhance your store’s search experience, consider starting with Rapid Search.

Create your free Rapid Search account today.

Wrapping up

All of the tactics covered in this article are quick to set up and run on their own, helping you improve various parts of your online store with very little effort. After spending as little as an afternoon setting these up, you can move on to other tasks and let these improvements keep making you money! 

Let’s review them once more:

Tactic #1: Stop abandonment without discounting: Engage abandoning visitors with exit intent popups showcasing trending products, boosting on-site time and conversions.

Tactic #2: Provide a more personalized welcome experience for organic visitors: Use Smart Popups to automatically tailor messages based on each visitor’s browsing behavior, enhancing engagement.

Tactic #3: Help returning visitors by reminding them where they left off: Display previously viewed products to returning visitors, simplifying their shopping experience and reducing bounce rates.

Tactic #4: A/B test landing page and homepage headlines automatically: A/B test your headlines without the headaches using Smart A/B testing. 

Tactic #5: Optimize product pages with AI: Automatically enhance product pages with compelling headlines and descriptions, driving higher sales.

Tactic #6: Set up a better search experience: Improve user experience and conversion rates by implementing a user-friendly site search engine. 

If you’d like to start implementing these marketing tactics, sign up for a free OptiMonk account today!  

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