How The Body Shop Spiked Their Conversion Rate by 21.77% with OptiMonk

How The Body Shop Spiked Their Conversion Rate by 21.77% with OptiMonk

The Body Shop is one of the most popular beauty stores on British high street. They specialize in cruelty-free beauty products, and gained a huge following among the ethical crowd. 

With Christmas on the way, their Hungarian online store set out to max their sales for the busy holiday season. 

Find out how they spiked their conversion rates by 21.77% with OptiMonk in one month. 


average cart value


income via popups


conversion rate

Meet The Body Shop

The Body Shop is a British natural cosmetics, body care, hair, and skincare brand. They sell ethical and nourishing products that are free from animal testing. 

Consequently, they’ve attracted a large group of animal lovers, vegetarians, and vegans.

The brand became iconic mostly for its luxe creamy body butter—which has variations such as Fuji Green Tea, Strawberry, Vanilla, and Pumpkin. 

But their emphasis on the rejection of beauty stereotypes and celebrating diversity also helped them become so popular. They make sure that their customers feel good inside and out after using their products. 

In spite of their overall success, their online Hungarian store had its own challenges. They needed to convert more traffic. Now, let’s see the details!

The challenge

The Body Shop Hungary’s main challenge was turning festive browsers into customers. 

Thanks to the holiday season, they saw an increase in organic traffic. However, many of their visitors just wanted to browse and look for Christmas presentswithout actually buying. 

Their marketing team had two objectives:

  • Holiday browsers needed help finding the perfect gift. 
  • They also wanted to encourage shoppers to purchase from The Body Shop’s online store instead of going elsewhere. 

To help them do that they started to use OptiMonk’s popup tool.

The solution

Product recommendation popup

The Body Shop wanted to turn as many visitors into customers as possible—right before the Christmas shopping rush would begin. To do that, they created a product recommendation popup campaign in advance.

The Body Shop wanted to make sure that they maximize conversions from this Christmas popup, so they A/B tested the campaign. 

A/B testing involves comparing two different variations to find out which is strongest and draws in the audience most effectively. 

They A/B tested the:

  • Colors
  • Images
  • Names of product categories
  • The main title
  • The product price

Below you can see version A:

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And this was the B version of the popup:

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Both popups addressed the age-old question that shoppers have during the Christmas season: “What presents should I buy for Christmas?”

Visitors were prompted to click the “Check it out” button at the bottom of the message. Following this, visitors were redirected to the appropriate product page.

This campaign ran with the following settings for both versions:

Visitors browsing from PC saw the popup once, after spending 15 seconds on the page.

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beallitas2.2 - How The Body Shop Spiked Their Conversion Rate by 21.77% with OptiMonk

The popup was also only shown to those who had not seen a Christmas product page—which meant they didn’t see the Christmas offers yet. 

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They also applied an advanced segmentation setting. Only visitors who had placed a given product in their carts could see the popup.

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Thanks to the detailed segmentation, both versions performed well. But version A was more popular than B, so they decided to go with that one. 

After running for a month, its conversion rate was nearly 16%. 

Gamification popup

Alongside their product recommendation campaign, The Body Shop launched a Santa-themed lucky wheel coupon campaign. 

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Here’s how it works: Customers play and spin the wheel by clicking on the button. The winning item and discount code then got revealed on the second page of the popup—ready for checkout:

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This gamification popup was very popular with visitors for two reasons. First, customers got an ace discount on their Christmas buys. Second, this festive seasonal game brought back fun, warm memories from their visitors’ childhoods. 

Not to mention that promoting discount products is a great way to win repeat purchases. Once customers find a product they love, they’re likely to come back and buy it for full price later. 

These are how they configured the settings: 

The lucky wheel triggered once to all visitors who browsed the site on PC for at least 10 seconds.

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beallitas2 - How The Body Shop Spiked Their Conversion Rate by 21.77% with OptiMonk

Although The Body Shop didn’t use any advanced targeting in this campaign, the popup’s eye-catching text, fun feel, and great discounts managed to achieve a 67% conversion rate in a single day!  

That’s an outstanding result! 

Key results

Thanks to the two OptiMonk-powered popups, The Body Shop Hungary managed to: 

  • Increase their average order value by 31%. 
  • Drive 14% of their revenue through popups.
  • Increase conversions by 21.77%.

Congrats to The Body Shop team! 

Silvia Benkő, the ecommerce manager of The Body Shop, said this about the campaigns: 

“The main goal of the Christmas campaign was to show our seasonal products to the visitors, and we were hoping that after checking them out, they would actually buy. With the help of the campaign, we achieved such high traffic on our Christmas product pages in November just like in December without a campaign. 

During the campaign period, 14% of our income arrived via popups, we managed to increase the average cart value by 30%, and there was a 21.77% conversion rate growth as compared to the previous period.”

If you’d like to achieve similar great results, why not try OptiMonk? Create your free account here.

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