25% Growth in Revenue: SwissWatchExpo’s Success Story

25% Growth in Revenue: SwissWatchExpo's Success Story

SwissWatchExpo is the leading online retailer of authentic, pre-owned luxury watches. The brand is driven by the business smarts of their ex-Wall Street founder Eugene Tutunikov. 

They have always invested in digital marketing and Eugene has generated a ton of high volume traffic to SwissWatchExpo’s online store.

Despite the brandʼs cult following, Eugene wasn’t always entirely happy with their on-site conversion rates—many visitors landed on the site and left without buying. 

To help boost their conversions, they set out to find a popup solution and discovered OptiMonk. After setting up their first campaign, SwissWatchExpo revenue shot up by 25%. In just 3 months.

Letʼs see how they did it!


increase in revenue


increase in transactions


increase in conversion rate

Meet SwissWatchExpo

SwissWatchExpo is one of the top luxury watch retailers in the world. They mostly sell their watches online. But you can find every vintage piece nestled inside one of the rows of the dark cabinets that line their industrial-cool Atlanta store. 

The brick-and-mortar storefront opened in 2009. To scale their brand, founder Eugene Tutunikov used his decades of experience in business and his family’s long history in the watch industry. 

Their knowledge of beautiful Swiss timepieces and unparalleled customer service has driven a ton of traffic to their website. 

Their challenges

SwissWatchExpo launched a new website in January 2017. They gained a high volume of web traffic thanks to a sharp marketing campaign.

However, a large percentage of their visitors were arriving on site and leaving without joining their newsletter subscribers or making a purchase. 

This left the team feeling frustrated. 

So they devised a plan to capture their usersʼ details before they exit to re-engage them or motivate them to buy. 

The team looked for a solution to help them hit these goals and decided to use OptiMonk. 

The solution

A cart abandonment campaign

SwissWatchExpo began re-engaging their audience by offering free shipping and $100 off of their purchase to visitors about to abandon their cart.

They used a timer to inspire their visitors to complete the checkout process within 15 minutes. After the time limit, the offer would expire. They coupled their timer with a Call-to-Action (CTA) button, “Get my $100 off.” 

popup1 - 25% Growth in Revenue: SwissWatchExpo's Success Story

The team cleverly played on personalization to drive their conversions. First-person CTAs have a 90% higher conversion rate than CTAs written in the second person. 

They also added another layer to their persuasion. They focused on the value of clicking through—highlighting the discount. 

When visitors clicked “GET MY $100 OFF,” another popup was displayed that showcased the coupon code:

thank you - 25% Growth in Revenue: SwissWatchExpo's Success Story

Want to try out a similar cart abandonment campaign? Check out this template:

A/B test your offer

You should always match your message to your visitor. 

Here are some questions to consider: 

  1. What message are they ready to see?
  2. What will be the most persuasive for them? 

Rather than guessing, SwissWatchExpo tested different versions to see what would engage their audience best. Check out the variations they tried: 

popup2 - 25% Growth in Revenue: SwissWatchExpo's Success Story

SwissWatchExpo used this popup to create a sense of urgency. They let their audience know that a product on their site was the last one. 

They added a dynamic spin to the popup—a countdown timer. It highlighted that the pressure was on to make a purchase! 

To display the product, they used a system called Dynamic Text Replacement (DTR). DTR is great if you want to customize the content of your popups based on custom variables or cart attributes.

This popup is shown to visitors who were about to leave their site. It gave them 15 minutes to check out. Their conversions increased by a whopping 17% directly after they launched this killer campaign. 

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Looking at this popup, you can see the resemblance to the previous one. 

However, instead of DTR, this popup offers a discount for all of the products in their store.

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Next, they combined a time-sensitive discount with free shipping. This popup scored the highest results with a conversion rate of 28%. This made it the winning choice for the website after testing.

Now, let’s take a look at the importance of creating targeted popups and how they helped SwissWatchExpo used them to grow their store. 

Targeted popup settings

While a relevant message is important for a conversion-friendly popup, equal attention should be given to segmentation and targeting. 

Let’s take a look at how SwissWatchExpo segmented and targeted their audience to win them over. 

The SwissWatchExpo team wanted to target PC users who were about to bounce from their site. To do this, they monitored the cursor movements across the page. When the mouse moved toward the “X” button or anywhere along the tabs at the top of the browser, it triggered a relevant popup. 

For mobile users, they used a different approach. SwissWatchExpo set a time-triggered popup to display 7 seconds after a visitor landed on a page. 

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The marketers at SwissWatchExpo didn’t want to drag down the user experience by displaying too many ads to site visitors. 

So they decided to display each popup to every visitor just once. 

This helped them swerve away from annoying visitors with unwanted interruptions while browsing the site.

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SwissWatchExpo’s main aim was to spike the number of their transactions to increase their revenue. 

They decided to display the popup on their “shopping cart” and “customer-information” pages—expertly tailoring their OptiMonk popups to suit their business goals. 

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To monitor the performance of their campaign, they forwarded the statistics to their Google Analytics account. This was essential for determining their ROI (return-on-investment, meaning how much money they made in comparison to the money they spent). 

This enabled them to easily chart the success of their campaigns and new revenue generated.

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Let’s take a look at how these changes impacted their key performance indicators (a.k.a. measures of campaign success). 

The results

The SwissWatchExpo team was beyond happy with the results.

Their cart abandonment campaign successfully increased revenue by 25% in 3 months.

And they increased the total number of online transactions by 27% compared to the previous year during the same period.

Want to achieve similar results? Get started with OptiMonk here.

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“I chose OptiMonk popups due to their flexibility and the ability to do dynamic text. We are a top retailer of luxury watches such as Rolex, Cartier, Omega, and Breitling; with an average sale value of over $5,000. Our customers are very particular, so I'm extremely careful before making any changes to my website. With OptiMonk, I was confident that the user experience would be improved.”

Eugene Tutunikov, CEO at SwissWatchExpo