How Floracopeia gained 47,336 leads & $130,000 extra revenue

How Floracopeia gained 47,336 leads & $130,000 extra revenue

When it comes to collecting subscribers, the majority of businesses struggle to find the best solution. They would like to have a huge subscriber database with minimal work and within a short period of time and they want it now, of course. Quick results, minimal work, does it ring a bell ? 🙂

Having a great database allows us to reach out to visitors, send out newsletters, and increase sales instantly. At first, it might seem easy to build a large subscription list, the typical thinking is that all we have to do is to set up a popup or embed an opt-in form on the site and that’s it – magic will happen.

If you belong to those who think that magic can happen to your business with zero work you will be disappointed. Imagine that your visitors have just arrived to your website and they are immediately prompted to opt-in, without even knowing what your business is about. If they don’t even get a chance to look around and check what the website is about, why would they subscribe? 🙂

Most of them will surely leave the site, because you will ruin their browsing experience by asking for their personal data right away. Put yourself in their shoes, – would you provide anything to anyone without even knowing what’s it about? At this point, they don’t yet know how the subscription would be beneficial for them so they will just probably skip it for now.

But what can we do to prevent our visitors leaving right away? This is a question that Floracopeia was struggling with as well before starting to use OptiMonk.

The Director of Marketing and Communications at Floracopeia, Haley Ausserer, shared with us the company’s success story that came after they started to set up personalized opt-in campaigns that provided value to their visitors.

Haley, can you give us a quick overview of the company and website?

Sure! Floracopeia ( was established to provide the highest quality botanical treasures and health education, support ecological agriculture, and promote traditional plant-based knowledge to our audience. We offer the highest quality organic and wild-harvested essential oils, flower essences, skin care, herbal remedies, and other botanical treasures. We also provide online wellness education courses.

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And Who is your target audience?

We target women 25+ who are interested in natural wellness and health.

What were the obstacles you faced before getting involved in conversion rate optimization?

We were sending people to landing pages through paid ads but losing potential leads who chose not to opt-in.

Where did you hear about OptiMonk?

We first heard about OptiMonk at a DigitalMarketer conference.

What were the biggest advantages of using OptiMonk?

We are able to use targeted offers to visitors to help reduce the loss of potential leads, growing our database and improving our conversions.

What was the solution that you used OptiMonk for?

We were sending people to landing pages with paid ads, but losing potential leads who chose not to opt-in. Also, new users were coming to our site, and if they didn’t make a purchase, we might lose them. Optimonk has helped reduce both those problems.

Who did you target with the campaign and which settings were used?

We target new users to our website on desktops with exit-intent, offering a lead magnet. Same for opt-in pages for our educational courses.

We also target new users on mobile with lead magnets after a certain amount of time on site.

We target returning users who didn’t convert with the first lead magnet with a giveaway offer, on exit intent (desktop) or time spent on site (mobile).

Let’s take a break here and check out the lead magnets Floracopeia used to collect subscribers.

First, it is important to note that the reason for providing lead magnets instead of subscription works well is because the value is provided to your visitors by offering them relevant materials for free.

If you would like to see results, you must always stay relevant and communicate personalized offers. People love to get value for free, and they are more willing to provide their personal data if they receive value in exchange.

Floracopeia knew this, and that’s why they created opt-in campaigns offering targeted, free educational eBooks in exchange for their visitors’ details:

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free ebook 1.1 - How Floracopeia gained 47,336 leads & $130,000 extra revenue

Their opt-in campaigns are converting well because they set them up only on certain subpages that their visitors show interest in and that fit the actual offer (remember: segmenting is key).

For example, they have set up another campaign that is only shown on one of their landing pages about the correct use of essential oils and aromatherapy:

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The design was very similar, however, this campaign promoted another ebook targeting visitors with different interests:

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free ebook 2.1 - How Floracopeia gained 47,336 leads & $130,000 extra revenue

This way, the only people who will receive the offer are those who are interested in aromatherapy.
Additionally, they set up their campaigns to only show to new visitors, as they are not yet engaged and are more likely to opt-in than to make a purchase immediately:

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As far as triggers are concerned, they use exit-intent on PC and timed setup on mobile to make sure that they don’t disturb the browsing experience and only show the popup to those who are attempting to leave the site:

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Now let’s see some actual numbers.

Floracopeia currently has 7 opt-in campaigns running on various subpages where they offer free eBooks, and these have generated 47,366 subscriptions so far, which is a fantastic result.

Haley, please tell us how long did it take to achieve the first results?

The first results came immediately, and performance has only improved over time as we become more familiar with the process and continue to optimize our offers.

How did OptiMonk impact your core metrics? Did you experience any increases in revenue or growth after starting to use OptiMonk?

We have seen a big increase in sales from OptiMonk contacts: OptiMonk-captured leads generated over $130,000 in revenue in 2017.

How has OptiMonk impacted your success? Your team’s success?

I consider OptiMonk to be a great investment. It has improved the ROI of our paid ads, and grown our database by leaps and bounds when you look at all the placements combined.

What is your favorite feature or part of our product? Why?

I appreciate the user-friendly image editor, customization ability, ease of use, and the ability to employ a variety of offers.

To sum up: By being able to always stay relevant and communicate the right materials to the right audience, Floracopeia managed to grow their sales dramatically within a relatively short period of time. Collecting 47,366 subscriptions with the help of targeted campaigns proves the power of personalization and their revenue numbers – $130,000 in 2017 just from OptiMonkspeak for themselves.

jb freemium - How Floracopeia gained 47,336 leads & $130,000 extra revenue