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How Olive Oil Lovers Increased Their Average Order Value by 15%

Olive Oil Lovers is an online store featuring the finest olive oils from the world's best producers. Did you know that there are hundreds of different varieties of olive oil? Each oil has its own distinctive flavor profile and story. The Olive Oil Lovers team wanted to bring those stories and unique tastes to foodies around the world.

Website: oliveoillovers.comFounded: 2012 Industry: Food
15%increase in Average Order Value 50%of revenue for a special item came from OptiMonk

Meet Olive Oil Lovers

As a popular Shopify store, Olive Oil Lovers offers a variety of premium, award-winning extra virgin olive oils. The company started in 2012 with a love, a passion—perhaps even an obsession—with delicious, high-quality olive oil. 

Today, they serve as the bridge between olive oil lovers and the best olive oil producers in the world. 

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If you visit Olive Oil Lovers’ homepage, you’ll find beautiful snaps of olive oils and the team poring over freshly-crated olives. The quality and vast selection stand out. But their solution to offer promotions didn’t really meet any of their goals.

For a long time, the team relied upon creating, copying, and pasting HTML code onto their homepage to showcase their discounts and deals. This was time-consuming and not effective. 

Olive Oil Lovers was on a mission to:

  1. Find a reliable way to communicate promotions to their visitors
  2. Increase their conversion rates
  3. Be more time-efficient when creating, setting up, and launching promotions
  4. Increase their Average Order Value (AOV) with upsells

“We were relying entirely on editing the code of our website to add promotional banners to our category/search and product pages. This was neither efficient nor very effective. It became apparent we needed to be able to create a more interactive experience for our users” – said George Floropoulos, the Director of Search Marketing at Olive Oil Lovers.


Olive Oil Lovers partnered up with OptiMonk to fulfill their goals and level up their on-site promos. They created on-brand popups to communicate promotions and upsell offers to their visitors. 

1. Increase AOV with upsell recommendations

The team wanted to promote discounts that could be triggered when customers dropped specific products in their cart. 

By promoting the right products and offering behavior-triggered discounts, the team set out to increase their AOV. To put this into play, they used OptiMonk’s cart rules. 

George says:

“When a visitor added certain products to their cart, we would trigger a popup to offer them 20% off of one of our best-selling items. This campaign converted at about 37% and increased our AOV by at least 15% during a 3-month period.”

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2. Promoting a special item

“Every year, we run a 3-month pre-sale for “Novello” extra virgin olive oils. Novello oils are a specialty item that we literally fly to the United States only a few days after crushing. During that entire campaign, we use a site-wide OptiMonk popup to send as much traffic as we can to the respective landing page,” – says George.

The Olive Oil Lovers team displayed the popup below to every visitor, who didn’t visit the Novello landing page or didn’t add a Novello product to their cart. 

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This campaign performed well for Olive Oil Lovers:

“We estimate that more than 50% of our Novello revenue during those months came through OptiMonk” – said George. 

The results

The team was beyond happy with their results. OptiMonk helped them find a simple solution to display their best products, offers, and drive new revenue. 

Let’s see their results:

  1. They increased their AOV by 15% with just one upsell popup within 3 months 
  2. 50% of Novello revenue came from using OptiMonk

Advice from George Floropoulos

Would you like to set up similar campaigns?
Try one of these pre-made templates: