Countdown Popup

Stop visitors from abandoning your cart with a last-minute offer

Stop visitors from abandoning their carts with a limited-time offer
When to use it?

With the average cart abandonment rate hovering around 70%, it’s clearly a huge challenge for ecommerce stores. By harnessing the power of urgency and limited-time offers, you can effectively stop visitors from abandoning their carts and motivate them to complete their purchase before time runs out.

Use a Countdown Popup to showcase your limited-time offer and tap into the psychological principle of scarcity. Customers fear missing out on a great deal, and this fear becomes their driving force to take action and finish the purchase.

The result? Reduced cart abandonment rates and an impressive boost in sales.

How to set it up?

Step 1: Create a Countdown popup

Scroll down and choose a template.

Step 2: Set up your countdown

Step 3: Set up your coupon code

Use unique codes, add the amount of discount that you are about to offer, and add an expiration time. In this case, you should choose “Expiration after displaying the code” and add the time that was added on the first page just to make sure that your offer is valid.

Step 4: Activate your campaign

Pick a template and launch your first
Countdown Popup campaign in 2 minutes

Want us to set this
up for you?

Register a new OptiMonk account today and get your first campaign professionally set up by our team of conversion specialists.
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Looking for more
personalization tactics?

Encourage product discovery by promoting your top products on autopilot
Sign up, segment and help your visitors kick off their shopping
Remind users of their coupons to encourage redemption